Friday, 14 November 2014

More Patterns ...

I went back to that shop (see below) to have another trawl through their pattern stash.  Sadly, most of them had gone ... but while I was looking, the shop lady said she had another box full in the back and did I want a look ...  Did I want a look!!!  Came out with these - I love the crossover back top and trouser combination on the far right ...
Commercial patterns still give me a thrill, even though I have the skills to start from scratch now ...


  1. Diane,
    so happy for you.. What lovely patterns.. I love that wrap dress pattern... and the vintage dress pattern.. well----- just all of them..ha.. SO proud the lady pulled out the other box for you..What a happy day.. Love those kinds of finds..
    Have fun..

    1. Doesn't happen very often Judy but I'm glad when it does!

  2. Love, absolutely love !! All these treasures are so beautiful, you are a lucky girl, dear friend.

  3. Now and then, something lucky happens Rosy!


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