Sunday, 1 June 2014

In the Gardens

I am so lucky to have Cambridge Botanic Gardens nearby.  These Digitalis purpurea are in flower at the moment - I make sure to have my little digital camera with me as there's always something to record.  I just love those spotty patterns inside the flowers!

Flower drawing (ie. painting - this was always called 'drawing' when I was in college, as you can draw with paint) has been a favourite thing for me to do.  I've recently had a couple of refresher lessons with a Botanical Artist and am giving some serious thought to taking it up again. Can't commit myself yet though, so I'll just keep observing for the time being ...


  1. Those are gorgeous photos, Diane. I love foxgloves; they are our county flower, although I've not seen any in flower yet.

  2. There's always something new to spot in the gardens - I've had my eye on these for a couple of days now.


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