Friday, 2 December 2016

Sewvember and the future ....

This past November I took part in both #sewvember at Mood Fabrics and #bpsewvember over at Bimble and Pimble.  The idea was to publish a photograph for each day of November on a specific theme.  I didn't really follow the rules about timing and used photographs from a lot of different sewing projects done over the years ...

My main reason for having a go was to do a kind of review over all the work I'd done so far and see if it led me to any kind of conclusion about the projects I like to do and want to continue with, as well as boost my Instagram account which I've just opened at #margueritedesigns ...  I was amazed that I should have enough material to cover all of the days and I can see that my sewing has some kind of 'arts and crafts' basis to it which I suppose comes from my artistic background.  It's not just straightforward making up of patterns ....  There has to be some sort of craft element involved such as applique, tie dye or felting for instance, or else an interesting print, probably with a historical background.  So I can see that this is what I'll continue with.  But I also ended up both challenges with a photograph of one of my textile designs ...  I've come kind of full circle in life and ended up where I started out as a career but didn't follow ...  It seems like a natural conclusion and it's my plan to carry on at Make It in Design too as well as crafting.

I've enrolled for the Winter School in January and then Module 2 in February.  I finished Module 1 and the Summer School earlier on this year.  I hope I don't become a serial course taker but there's no harm in being prepared as much as possible and these courses seem to carry on where I left off all those years ago - preparing for the business world.  I am looking forward to a sewing and designing New Year ....


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My posts have been fewer and fewer of late and so I've decided that to kick off the New Year and keep things simpler, I'll just be u...