Monday, 24 August 2015

Made Up

My Aster Sewalong has turned into something else ... The weather has been so glorious here that I've been out and about (see below photo!) and I've missed the deadline ... But all is not lost as I've been reading about the Made Up Sewalong on various blogs, for which I have 10 September as a deadline.  Funnily enough, one of the prizes is an Aster Pattern!  So I hope I don't win that ...

It's for a good cause too - the promotion of literacy.  I've copied the following from Karen Ball's blog, Did You Make That?

The Made Up Initiative is in support of the National Literacy Trust. Did you know that one person in six in the UK lives with poor literacy? Some children never have a parent read to or with them. Many households can’t afford books. Literacy can be a game of luck, and it’s a game with high stakes. It can make or break lives. With the help of my fellow creatives, I’d like to sway the odds.
I’ve set us a simple goal – to raise £1,000 in a month-long fundraiser, hosted at aJustgiving page. To give us some context, if less than half of my Bloglovin subscribers each donated £10, we’d raise over £40,000.  A person could easily spend £10 on a metre of fabric, that might go straight into a bulging stash cupboard, and probably end up donated to a fabric swap. Food for thought, eh?
So, let’s have fun! We have until 10 September to show the world what we can do.

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